
2019 Goals

Tomorrow is the final day of my December Patreon Drive, and as I close the year of 2018, I think it is a good time to lay out my vision for 2019. This past year really brought into focus the activities I need to pursue in order to succeed and the activities I should cut out. I hope it’s going to mean a year of entertaining content for you and a lot of fun for me.

My main focus of 2019 is going to be the production of the HAKKER comic book series. Work in earnest on Season 1 of HAKKER, titled the “The Malaysian Incident” will begin January 1 st and I plan on finishing it in June. In comic books, it’s standard to produce 6 issues per ‘season.’ Each issue is 22 pages so I will be producing 22 pages per month until the end of June in order to meet that schedule. That is ambitious to say the least! The HAKKER seasons will run from January to June so that I can spend July to December promoting the seasonal volume (issues 1 through 6 of that year), writing for the next year and pursuing new projects.

Financing also has to be secured for the printed book that will collect the six issues of “The Malaysian Incident” so look for an announcement of a  Kickstarter or IndieGoGo around April of next year in advance of publication. Before that, however, my patrons will get to read each page as it is finished and H4X0Rs and Hacktivists will get a FREE digital PDF version of each issue two-weeks before public release on Comixology. A digital copy of each issue will be available for purchase on Comixology and I’m not sure yet but I probably will arrange a print-on-demand service for each issue also that will be available through my Gumroad store.

Promoting and Writing

Once the first season, “The Malaysian Incident” is completed then ‘promotion season’ will begin which will consist of some travelling around to some conventions and promoting the HAKKER comic. While I’m promoting, I should also have the time to work on the writing for HAKKER’s next season.

Hughdidit Comics

This is really a stretch-goal but I already have many other ideas for comic books and serials that I want to pursue and piggy back off the results of HAKKER once Season One is finished. If I can muster up some help for these you may see them sooner but probably not until the end of 2019.

Live Streaming, Videos and Collateral Content 

A bi-product of all of the work above is to create livestreams on Twitch and produce more ‘speedpaint’ videos for YouTube next year. They are an absolutely necessary component of growing my fan base. In the course of production next year there will be a lot of collateral content created for my patrons, some for promotion, but also a lot of tutorials that I hope to bundle into an online comic book creation course by the end of the year. Speaking of courses, one more goal for me in 2019 is going to be to teach a comic book creation course in my local library for anyone interested.


That’s a lot to bite off in 2019, let alone chew it, but the future looks bright and I really feel like we’ve got the ducks lined up in a row correctly. Here’s to our success!   



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