The form below is to hire me for a private/personal commission. Please read through this page to get an overview of my services and current rates.
About commissioning me
Before you order, please make sure to have read my Terms of Service. These terms apply to private/personal commissions only. This information is NOT applicable for commercial work, therefore the art can only be used for the client’s personal purposes. If you are interested in contacting me for commercial work see my “Work With Me” page.
When I have commission slots open, you can use the form at the bottom of this page to order. Please be aware that the form is just sending me an e-mail with your commission request. Once I have received your e-mail I will get back to you with an estimate of the final price which you then agree upon. If I cannot take your commission for any reason I will let you know as well.
All prices below are based on a single character. Prices might increase for complex character designs, insufficient visual reference, complex backgrounds, and excessive detail in the image generally.
A portrait or bust commission crops the character around the neck or shoulder area depending on the individual character. Simple backgrounds only.
Additional character +$60
USD $250

A half-body illustration shows the character from the hip area and up. Half-body characters come with a background. A highly detailed background will increase the price.
Additional character +$80
USD $500

FULL-BODY – detailed background
A detailed full-body commission may include action poses, backgrounds, and advanced lighting. Full-body figures include figures shown from the knees and up.
Additional character +$100
USD $900

A simple full-body shows the character’s entire body and includes only a very simple or no background at all.
Additional character +$75
USD $750